TQOOZ7nHKwXguflfzxWT61-iC1w Health food: Benefits of sport

Benefits of sport

What are the benefits of sport for the body and the health benefits of sport and the benefits of walking

Of us practiced sport?

Who among us makes sport of the basics of life (daily routine)?

How many hours does it take to sit near the television and rays but how many minutes in which the sport?

 The sport of fundamentals important in our lives, but many of us overlook their usefulness may be because some excuse that they do not have time to exercise and their concern may be also because their impact and usefulness on the body
are not in a short time, but needs to be a period of time associated factors sport and the number of times exercised and powerwill, firmness and regularity in the exercise.

The task for each sport categories they are useful for young girls and pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and the elderly as well as persons with disabilities.

And for the sport has many benefits, including: keeping the weight and the prevention of obesity and prevention of diabetes and high blood pressure, heart disease and strengthen the muscles of the body and alleviate the problems of disease, rheumatism and osteoporosis and improve the psychological and moral as it helps to relieve anxiety and depression and psychological problems.

And psychological problems burning of fat stored in the body of the sport here, we find that is within the basics of prevention of many chronic diseases.

Where we practice sport and how?

Not necessarily that there will be devices for exercise or certain places, but can practice many kinds of sports without the need for hardware or special places such as: peace rose several times and running in place, swimming, rope skipping, walking quickly and ride a bike.

When your practice of sport must know the following: There is no best type of sport every one according to what is available to him from the sport and begin benefits of sport to emerge after 6 weeks from the start and be completed within 6 months and must attend exercise so that they are three times a week and regularly and less than that is no this interest and can be more than that, or on a daily basis to be 20 and not 30 minutes less than the amount of drinking water to prevent dehydration.  

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