TQOOZ7nHKwXguflfzxWT61-iC1w Health food: Recipes to get rid of the rumen, God willing

Recipes to get rid of the rumen, God willing

Get rid of the rumen is easy for those who suffer from the emergence of the rumen, whether men or women and the reasons for the emergence of rumen many, but on the whole the appearance of rumen evidence of two things first, twice in the stomach muscles and sagging abdominal muscles allowing the emergence of the rumen and secondly the accumulation of fat as a result of obesity which increases the load on the muscles of the abdomen and the emergence of the rumen.

And order Ttakchi from the rumen and tuck nature Here are some recipes to help you on that

The first recipe

Incendiary mixture of fat and consists of green tea with mint and ginger and cumin in equal parts and boil the mixture and drink on an empty stomach daily and before each meal quarter of an hour helps a spectacular way to remove the tuck and quickly get rid of the rumen.

Green Tea :

The second recipe

Hanging suspended pending cinnamon ginger pomegranate peel
Boil the mixture together it is known the benefits of pomegranate peel to remove fat from the body and also benefits in periods of Dieting
And drink the mixture twice a day is possible that the sweetened honey spoon.

The third recipe :
Sage green chamomile tea or chamomile.

Outstanding amount of the previous mixture and boil the water for 10 minutes, then leave to cool and addresses twice daily before food and at night before going to sleep is useful to get rid of the gases that cause tuck and help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the removal of rumen.

Fourth recipe


Take hold of flaxseed on an empty stomach am grinding without water or a glass of skim milk they are working to get rid of the rumen and also help to rid the body of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. 

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