TQOOZ7nHKwXguflfzxWT61-iC1w Health food: The benefits of chamomile

The benefits of chamomile

Grass height ranges between 15 - 50 cm, leg and his papers branched long-winged, white and yellow flower, a faster flowers drier ..

 "Chamomile benefit from fatigue more than each drug, and calms the pain and relaxes in expanding member and unrelenting hard if things were not many hardness liquidate things dense and goes diets that are tumor viscera. Irrigated Tbejh inflatable colon and liver enzymes fit, wholesome diuretic cold headache. The Ibn Sina in-law says, "dwell tumor warm analyzed, strengthens the nerves, generates urine and out of the stone."

Use of dried chamomile flowers is with a strong aromatic odor similar to the smell of apples The scientifically proven effect chamomile inflammation where used chamomile flowers such as tea taken fill spoon and placed on filling a cup of boiling water and leave for ten minutes and then drain and drink by a cup in the morning and another
in the evening it removes infections and colic and disinfectant for the digestive system and the respiratory and appetizing as a tonic for the session vessels, especially among children.
 If the person is eating chamomile tea in the morning, it protects against colds and colic pains crossbar and digestive disruptions Statistics.

 The benefits of chamomile:

Chamomile can work to cure infections. Healed chamomile compresses, for example, skin infections quickly, Chamomile can also work the same antibiotic action in healing inflammation. If you boil something from it and inhaled the person, he was able to remove the nasal inflammation of inlets and frontal quickly, and eliminates all bacteria present within a short period.

Chamomile helps raise occurring in the stomach cramps, and other sections of the digestive system, and eliminates cramps of the stomach and intestines and sometimes bitterness. Moreover, the able to relieve menstrual pain.

Chamomile also helps, to heal the wounds healed quickly, especially in those places of the body that obstructed the surgeon treatment, as the lower part of the leg. Here, the surgeon can be processed chamomile compresses or ointments Type it, Vtendml of a short time later. Chamomile also works to heal sores contagious.  

 You should not dispense with chamomile in our house, in any way, where we can use in the first aid in case of diarrhea or colic, gastric and intestinal colic bitterness, and made him tea strong and drink in this case doses, which is a lot of interest in relieving menstrual pain. Chamomile also helps the expulsion of gases generated in the intestine, and calm the nerves.
And describe the medical books also use chamomile tea in the treatment of gastric ulcers, and plays Alozulan here an important role in her recovery, and to walk in the treatment of gastric ulcers Chamomile particular way, that deals with the injured chamomile tea and then lies down for five minutes on his back, like that on his left side, then on his stomach Finally, on the right side, is guaranteed so the passage of chamomile tea on various walls of the stomach.

We must follow this system because the tea leaves the stomach quickly if the patient remains upright after eating. It can also eat and extracts some of the other drugs prescribed by a doctor for this purpose and to follow the same method of use. If chamomile was addressed in a focused manner for a long time, it was possible to do so heal intestinal infections that often returns to factors and psychological crises.
The vapors can be used in the treatment of chamomile flu and pulmonary explanations. Here, water is heated on the fire and deliver the sort of chamomile, then cover with destiny head with a large piece of cloth and the patient begins to steam inhalation of chamomile for a quarter of an hour at least, chamomile who shall kill these germs and raise inflammation.

Chamomile water used in the treatment of the eyes, wash them well, but advised caution and consult with your doctor before you come up with this. If I want to subcontract chamomile tea, you should not be boiled in water, but dear pours water over it and then filtered and taken. Recent tests have shown that this method is the best way to extract the largest possible amount of material Alozulan and other other beneficial substances found in chamomile. Should not eat more chamomile tea, because it leads in this case to the opposite effect, feels the person heavily in the head and a headache when you do move the head, and takes him pain, each time shaking out his body, and dizziness and nervous system, the unit mood and insomnia, which means that haunted all of those symptoms that chamomile is described in control.

And chamomile is described in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders after mixed sugar lactose. As the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines to help digestion and get hurt when you get intestinal disorders, it is imperative to provide her to do field work in our body and the elimination of such disorders. Van chamomile tea, sugar, lactose carrying out this task and help to heal the intestines. There are as well as chamomile tea range of other compounds chamomile, Kother chamomile and chamomile water and ointments made from it, all of which are used in the treatment of the same purposes. The used compresses chamomile, you drink chamomile water obtained after casting four to five liters of hot water on two injections of flowers, in the treatment of colic and other after placed over the stomach.
We can deal with some of the conditions of unrest infectious drinking tea was Todiba of licorice, chamomile, fennel and Ghassoul, taking them amounts are similar, and be packing tea by the way the above-mentioned, too, is not taken of this tea only one cup evening, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise.

The same tea can be used to wash the walls of the stomach, the way the lie that the foregoing, boiled chamomile is useful to make lye and to treat vaginal secretions of the vagina white.
In case one of the poisonous insects, chamomile is useful in relieving pain if used in the form of compresses, in the case of a headache that chamomile can offer many services if performed for the feet heated pools Chamomile, then dried the feet.
As the Wash Chamomile blond hair earned vibrant colors by adding a tablespoon of chamomile blossom to a liter of water, then the mixture is heated without being up to the boiling point, leaving five minutes and then wash it blond hair in the usual way.

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